Blue Sky Helicopters has a long history in the aerial firefighting industry. For years Blue Sky has been servicing many government agencies across the nation operating on various Exclusive Use and Call When Needed contracts. We currently operate for the United States Forest Service, Department of the Interior, Oregon Department of Forestry, Washington Department of Natural Resources and CalFire. Each agency has its own strict set of requirements for safety, equipment and personnel, which Blue Sky meets and are regularly audited on. Everyone at the company takes pride in what we do and feel privileged to work with the agencies and personnel. With the demanding work required in the fire environment our staff and equipment are proficient with working in high density altitudes, mountainous environments and external load missions. Safety is of paramount importance and Blue Sky utilizes some of the latest technologies to have a robust safety management system and promote a safety conscious culture.
Low Level (Recon & Surv.)
Helitack/Passenger Transport
External Load (belly hook)
Longline VTR (150-250')
Snow Operations
- Water/Retardant Delivery
Mountain Terrain Flight
Aerial Ignition
Cargo Letdown